
Wednesday 18 May 2011

project - SQUIDS INN

assalamu alaikum

Just a muck about I did the other day.....

Not finished tho, it needs more work, but I thought Ill share that I am doing something!

More soon

assalamu alaikum

Monday 9 May 2011

project - BDAY n THANK YOU

assalamu alaikum

A bit of back tracking now I'm afraid! It was my 26th! last month and for my celebrations I spent my bday weekend with friends in a city called Bath. Bath is a fantastic city amazing architecture and wonderful Roman ruins, only issue was that there wasn't a Mosque in sight! 

Long story short it was ace and I had a wicked time!

Some pictures of Bath

& well I had to show you guys the cake!

Once I returned home I cut more cake! & then set to work on a nice thank you card for my great friends/hosts in Bath! Since Bath is known for its famous Spa's the card is centered around water and having a bath. The text on the bottle is an inside joke and the internal 'label messaging format' was done because the receiving mate of mine loves to label everything in his home! Enjoy...

Also I've been working a illustration for the same mate and well this is what I got so far, plenty of work to do till its finished!

Stay tuned more too come!

assalamu alaikum

project - IM BACK

assalamu alaikum

Well I'm back, I know its been 2 months but things have been a bit frantic! Started working another regular job to increase the household income and also just returned from taking a trip to the Holy land!

Stay tuned for plenty of updates over the next few days, I have lots to share!

assalamu alaikum