
Wednesday 23 February 2011

project - 2011 CV

assalamu alaikum

Not much work too show at the moment, mainly due to me working on a new CV and PORTFOLIO for the new year! Almost done, last few bits to button up on the portfolio. I'm having to learn how to use Adobe Acrobat Pro as I go along so progress is slow and there is a lot of trial n error going on!

My CV is up for viewing, although Ive got a few people critiquing it so it will probably change before the end of the week, But for now the main draft is up for all to see. just click the link on your right!

FULL Portfolio to be up before Sunday

assalamu alaikum

Wednesday 9 February 2011

project: DRIP

assalamu alaikum

I've been busy pushing ideas out for a new up n coming record label called DRIP, so far I've the client hasn't chosen which design he prefers but I thought someone out there could tell me which design they like. The brief was to keep it very simple, but in a few designs I made things a little complex it would seem.

Well let me know what you all think hopefully someone will help me button this 1 up soonish!

assalamu alaikum

Wednesday 2 February 2011

project - Boiler Corp

assalamu alaikum

Its been a while I know, been busy on numerous projects and other life stuff..... The main project I'm working on is the branding of a new record label called DRIP, so hold tight on that blog entry. But today Ill be showing you folks a little self initiated project I've been working on in the evenings. It all started after we recently upgraded our prehistoric boiler/geezer system to a new high efficiency combi gizmo (the full banana)... which sparked a few ideas to do with a logo to commerorate the occasion. I Plan to convert it into a company logo and add it to the portfolio in the next few days. Its pretty straight forward and self explanatory. so here goes....
The BOILER CORP. (possible name maybe?)

Comments always welcome, good or bad....  Till next time!

assalamu alaikum