
Thursday 26 August 2010

project - ORIGAMI

Hi there, Ive been learning the art of origami for the past couple of days. Practising techniques, different papers etc... Its all in preparation for a new project that I got brewing.

Well this is my best attempt a tulip with stem

Stay tuned on this 1!!!

Monday 23 August 2010

project - ISLAMIC ART (2)

This time I decided to portray the 5 PILLAR's OF ISLAM very simple really but very important.
This is a personal project for potentially my home. Its always good to have a nice reminder about the core beliefs of ones religion.

I plan to have this printed onto some nice 150gsm gloss/satin poster paper possibly A2 size.

assalamu alaikum

Sunday 22 August 2010

project - ISLAMIC ART (1)

I've been busy creating new bits and bobs, my latest is this piece of commissioned artwork for a fellow brother. It is a different take on Islamic Calligraphy. The colour combo is just something I threw together but once that has been finalised I'll have this sent to the printers to be made onto a stretched canvas.

This is what is says:
 - bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm -

- In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful -

Since it it the Holy month of Ramadan I'm busy working on mainly Islamic based projects so expect more in the coming weeks

assalamu alaikum 

Friday 20 August 2010


I know its been a while since my last update, but I've been busy redecorating my room and it took awhile since I was doing most of the work on my own and a lot of the tasks were first timers! Well its just about finished so I can now get on with some design work! (yay!)

I've been busy working on a new design for my Eid-UL-Fitr celebration cards for this years up n coming Eid (20 odd days to go!). Well the design work is steadily developing and I'll be posting my progress very soon.

A shot of my new work station, U can see how I've opened up lots more space that wasn't there before.

Overall a massive improvement on my previous make-shift desk!